Ketamine Treatments
Ketamine is unique as in addition to being a very powerful anesthetic it has shown to alter the way our bodies process pain and emotions.
Ketamine Has Been Used to Treat the Following Conditions:
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Diabetic Neuropathy
Shingles Or Post Herpetic Neuralgia
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Phantom Limb Pain
Post Surgical Neuropathic Pain
Pain From Failed Back Surgery
Cluster Headaches and Migraine Headaches
Depression and PTSD

Lumbar Sympathetic Block
What is a lumbar sympathetic block?
A lumbar sympathetic block is an injection of medication that helps relieve lower back or leg pain (sciatica). It can be used to treat: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Complex regional pain syndrome Herpes zoster infection (shingles) involving the legs Vascular insufficiency Peripheral neuropathy Sympathetic nerves are located on both sides of your spine, in your lower back. A steroid medication and local anesthetic injected into or around your sympathetic nerves can help reduce pain in that area.
First, you’ll be given an intravenous medication to relax you. Then, you’ll lie on your stomach on an x-ray table. The doctor will numb an area of skin on your lower back with a local anesthetic. Then, guided by an x-ray, he or she will: Insert a needle into your back, along the outside of your spine Inject dye to confirm that medication will go to the correct spot Inject a steroid medication Usually, the procedure takes less than 30 minutes, and you can go home the same day.
How is a lumbar sympathetic block done?
Some patients report pain relief immediately after the injection, but the pain may return a few hours later as the anesthetic wears off. Longer term relief usually begins in two to three days, once the steroid begins to work. Usually people need a series of injections to continue the pain relief. Sometimes it takes only two injections; sometimes it takes more than 10.
How effective is a lumbar sympathetic block?
The risk of complication from a lumbar sympathetic block is very low. However, there could be bruising or soreness at the injection site. Serious complications, including infection and bleeding, are uncommon.
What are the risks?
Your lower back and leg may feel warm or “different,” and you may begin to feel less pain. Your leg may feel numb or weak, but this feeling will subside when the anesthetic wears off. You can continue your regular diet and medications immediately, but do not drive or do any rigorous activity for 24 hours after the procedure. Take it easy. You can return to your normal activities the next day.
What happens after the procedure?
A lumbar sympathetic block may be right for you if you have lower back or leg pain — especially linked to reflex sympathetic dystrophy or complex regional pain syndrome — which does not respond to other treatment.
Is a lumbar sympathetic block right for you?

The protocols of these treatments in duration, dose and frequency need be individually customized by our experts. That is why prior to scheduling a treatment every patient will be assessed by one of our board certified specialists knowledgeable in use of ketamine therapy. Depending on the nature of the patient’s condition both the consultation and the ketamine treatments can be reimbursed by the patients’ medical insurance. The cost of the consultation will be $450 and the cost of the 90 min treatment will be $900 that will also consist of a pre procedure assessment and use of the facility. All treatments will be supervised by an anesthesiologist that has been trained on use of ketamine infusions.